combine the sentences by changing them into the simple past

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari za795625 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Combine the sentences by changing them into the simple past and present perfect with the provided time expressions!1.a. Indah submits the papers
b. Indah checks the papers.(as soon as)
2.a. I write a short story.
b. I get some inspiration.(the moment)
3.a. Rendi finishes eating a sandwich
b. Retno arrives.(by the time)
4.a. The children become fearful.
b. The children come out of the mysterious house.(after)
5.a. Gina cries.
b.Gina listens to a sad song.(the second)

mohon bantuannya yh ka:),terima kasih banyak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Indah submits the papers as soon as she checks the papers.

2. I write a short story the moment I got some inspiration.

3. Rendi finished eating a sandwich by the time Retno arrived

4. The children became fearful after The children came out of the myterious house.

5. Gine cried the second she listened to a sad song.

Semoga. membantu, maaf kalau ada kesalahan

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Last Update: Thu, 12 May 22