Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari serahajasih4 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Passive Voice
2. Two books are being read (by him).
3. Two books were read (by him).
4. Two books were being read (by him).
5. Two books have been read (by him).
6. Two books had been read (by him).
7. Two books will be read (by him).
8. Two books are going to be read (by him).
9. Two books must be read (by him).
10. Two books should have been read (by him).
Passive voiceadalah salah satugrammatical voice yang ada di bahasa Inggris.
Jika pada active voicesubyek kalimat adalahpelaku aksiatau disebutagent, dalam passive voicesubyek kalimat adalahpenerima aksiatau dalam istilah linguistik disebutpatient (obyek langsung) atau recipient (obyek tidak langsung).
Konstruksi kalimat aktif :
agent + tensed verb/verb phrase + patient
Konstruksi kalimat pasif:
patient + tensed be + past participle of verb (+ by agent)
Active: Mrs Lee opens the windows.
Passive: The windows are opened by Mrs Lee.
- Mrs Lee ➠ agent
- opens ➠ presentform of the verbopen
- the windows ➠ patient
- are ➠ presentform ofbe
- opened ➠ past participleform of the verbopen
Note: by agent tidak perludigunakan jika agent berupapronoun (I, you, he, someone, dll.) atau general nounsepertipeople.
Pada kalimat-kalimat di atas, agentadalahhe. Karena by harus diikuti obyek, maka subyek heberubah menjadi obyekhim.
Patientadalahtwo books, jamak. Jadi, bedalampresentdanpastnya juga dalam jamak, yaitu aredanwere.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Year: 9
Subject: English
Category: Grammar - Passive Voice
Code: 9.5.5
Keywords: passive voice, agent, patient
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Last Update: Tue, 31 May 22