The Examination I was waiting for the doctor to finish his examination.

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The ExaminationI was waiting for the doctor to finish his
examination. I was worried and nervous. Would
he have to operate? What would he have to

Dr. Johnson was a heart specialist. He
was an excellent doctor, and his examinations
were always complete He listened to the
patient's heart, took his blood pressure and
temperature, gave him an X-ray and examined his eye and ears.

The doctor finally completed his examination and spoke to me. He told me that heart trouble is never a minor illness, but this wasn't a serious heart attack. He advised
losing some weight, getting a plenty of sleep,and eating good meals. Smoking and drinking would be harmful, of course

Dr. Johnson said it would be necessary to be careful while, but he was confident that
there was nothing to worry about

I felt much better after I spoke to Dr.Johnson. I was certain that my uncle would be
up and around again very soon. He's seventy
years old now, but can still alive for long time if
he talks good care of himself.

Questions :
What is the kind of the text above?
A. report
B. recount
C. narrative
D. descriptive
E. discussion

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. report


semoga membantu ^^

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Last Update: Wed, 20 Apr 22