Fill the blank with the correct pronoun! 1. Andini is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari frtuhjbvfddv pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill the blank with the correct pronoun! 1. Andini is a new students. ______ is my friend. 2. Dina and I join the english competition . ____ win the competition. 3. They were naughty students, I didn't like _______ from the beginning. 4. We have to work fast, because the success of this team depends on _____ 5. She has a new doll. ______doll is very big. 6. _____friends are so smart. I like them so much. 7. Andy has new car and this car is _____. 8. I have a new bag.That is _____. 9. Nobody helps Mr. Roger in the warehouse, he check all the boxes by ______ 10. They never interact with other people, they are just live by ______ ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Fill the blank with the correct pronoun!

1. Andini is a new students. She is my friend.

• objek (orang/benda yg dibicarakan) disini Andini = Perempuan = She

2. Dina and I join the english competition . We win the competition.

• Dina and I menjadi We sedangkan Dina and Dino = They (tidak termasuk I / saya)

3. They were naughty students, I didn't like them from the beginning.

• objek pronoun they adalah them

4. We have to work fast, because the success of this team depends on us.

5. She has a new doll. her doll is very big.

6. My friends are so smart. I like them so much.

7. Andyhas new car and this car ishis. (?)

8. I have a new bag. That is mine.

• Possesive pronoun / kata ganti kepunyaan I adalah mine.

9. Nobody helps Mr. Roger in the warehouse, hecheck all the boxes byhimself.

• Reflextive pronoun (digunakan untuk menyatakan diri sendiri) dari Mr. Roger / He adalah Himself

10. They never interact with other people, they are just live by themselves.

• Reflextive pronoun dari They adalah Themselves.

semoga membantu:)

Fill the blank with the correct pronoun! 1. Andini is a new students. She is my friend.• objek (orang/benda yg dibicarakan) disini Andini = Perempuan = She2. Dina and I join the english competition . We win the competition.• Dina and I menjadi We sedangkan Dina and Dino = They (tidak termasuk I / saya)3. They were naughty students, I didn't like them from the beginning.• objek pronoun they adalah them4. We have to work fast, because the success of this team depends on us. 5. She has a new doll. her doll is very big. 6. My friends are so smart. I like them so much. 7. Andy has new car and this car is his. (?)8. I have a new bag. That is mine.• Possesive pronoun / kata ganti kepunyaan I adalah mine.9. Nobody helps Mr. Roger in the warehouse, he check all the boxes by himself.• Reflextive pronoun (digunakan untuk menyatakan diri sendiri) dari Mr. Roger / He adalah Himself10. They never interact with other people, they are just live by themselves.• Reflextive pronoun dari They adalah Themselves.semoga membantu:)

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Last Update: Sun, 01 May 22