tulislah sejarah yang ada di kota medan dalam bahasa Inggris

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Tulislah sejarah yang ada di kota medan dalam bahasa Inggris dan buat kesimpulan nya​

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started from a village founded by Guru Patimpus at the confluence of the Deli River and Babura River. The anniversary of the city of Medan was set on July 1, 1590. Then in 1632, Medan was made


The history of Medan begins with a village founded by Guru Patimpus at the confluence of the Deli River and Babura River. The anniversary of the city of Medan was set on July 1, 1590. Then in 1632, Medan became the seat of government of the Deli Sultanate, a Malay kingdom. Europeans began to discover Medan since the arrival of John Anderson from England in 1823. Civilization in Medan continued to develop until the Dutch East Indies Government granted the status of a city on April 1, 1909 and the seat of government for the Residency of East Sumatra. Entering the 20th century, Medan became an important city outside Java, especially after the colonial government opened large corporate plantations.

According to Bappenas, Medan is one of the four main growth centers in Indonesia, along with Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar.[8][9] Medan is a multi-ethnic city whose inhabitants consist of people with different cultural and religious backgrounds. Apart from the Malays and Karo as the initial inhabitants, Medan is dominated by ethnic Javanese, Batak, Chinese, Minangkabau, Mandailing, and Indians. Medan residents work in the trade sector, so there are many shop houses in various corners of the city. In addition to provincial government offices, in Medan there are also consulate offices from various countries such as the United States, Japan, Malaysia, and Germany.

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Last Update: Wed, 15 Jun 22