Is the personal pronoun in every sentence below true or

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari abc728899 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Is the personal pronoun in every sentence below true or false?1.He often reads until late at night.

A. True B. False

2. You is running up and down the stairs.

A. True B. False

3. Theyis from Ireland.

A. True B. False

4. Doyou have a dog, Ani?

A. True B. False

5. We enjoy the songs so much. They really cheer up the party.

A. True B. False

6. Melissa isn’t an architect; He is an engineer.

A. True B. False

7. Are she friends or not?

A. True B. False

8. My doctor was born in Germany. He
teachesbiology lessons in his spare time.

A. True B. False

9. All of my teachers are Americans. They come from all over the country.

A. True B. False

10. Our friends are athletes. All of they are either strong, fast, or both.

A. True B. False​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 . gunakan

2. jelaskan

3. hati hati

4. ayah

5. teman

6. Adel

7. guru

8. aku teteh

9. ibu

10. botol pelastik

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22