to Answer the following questions based on the dialogue! Maggie

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari summiytx pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

To Answer the following questions based on the dialogue!Maggie and her cousin are in the town square when they meet Yustina.

Yustina : Hi, Mag!
Maggie : Hi, Yus!
Yustina : How are you doing, Mag?
Maggie : Fine, thanks. And you?
Yustina : I'm great, thanks. Hi, who's this cute girl?
Maggie : This is my cousin Elok. She's from Padang. Elok, please meet Ms. Yustina, my old friend.
Yustina : What a pretty name! Nice to meet you, Elok.
Maggie : Nice to meet you, Ms. Yustina.

1. Where does the dialogue take place?
2. How does Yustina greet her friend Maggie?
3. Yustina says, "How are you doing, Mag?" What does it mean?
4. Who is Maggie's cousin?
5. What does Maggie say to introduce Elok to Yustina?

bantu jawab ya teman-teman ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Town Square

2. compliment her and get acquainted with Maggie's friend / "What a pretty name! Nice to meet you, Elok"

3. Asking Maggie what Maggie is doing

4. Elok

5. "This is my cousin Elok. She's from padang. Elok, please meet Ms. Yustina, my old friend."

semoga membantu ^^

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Last Update: Sun, 01 May 22