Mohon BantuannyaChoose the right words1. The news about the tsunami

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maryaulfa580 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mohon BantuannyaChoose the right words
1. The news about the tsunami in Palu (sad - saddened - sadly - sadness) me

2. After the earthquake, the rescue team (acted - active - actively - action) quickly to save the victims buried under the ruins

3. The (power - powerful - empower - powerfully) shaking of the earthquake was felt in several cities on Java island

4. After Principal Smith heard the warning on TV about the upcoming tornado, he made a (decision - decisively - decide - decisive) to let student go home early

5. Mom could rest (comfort - comfortable - comfortably - comforted) after she knew that I had survived the avalanche

6. Storm chasers put their lives in (dangerous - dangerously - danger - endanger) by driving themselves towards the eye of the storm

7. (Hope - Hopeful - Hopefully - Hope), my town will be back to normal soon after the hurricane

8. Our local radio station is the most (reliable - rely - reliably - reliability) source of information about the storm​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The news about the tsunami in Palu saddenedme

2. After the earthquake, the rescue team actedquickly to save the victims buried under the ruins

3. The powerfulshaking of the earthquake was felt in several cities on Java island

4. After Principal Smith heard the warning on TV about the upcoming tornado, he made a decisionto let student go home early

5. Mom could rest comfortablyafter she knew that I had survived the avalanche

6. Storm chasers put their lives in dangerby driving themselves towards the eye of the storm

7. Hopefully, my town will be back to normal soon after the hurricane

8. Our local radio station is the most reliable source of information about the storm

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Sep 22