WACANA V Anyone who has contact with customers is a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari srilestari130673 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

WACANA VAnyone who has contact with customers is a salesperson. The relationship between a salesperson and a client is important. both parties want to feel satisfied with their deal and ......... (15) ......... wants to feel cheated A friendly, respectful relationship is more effective than an aggressive ........ (16) ....... one. A salesperson should believe that his or her product has certain ....... (17) ....... over the competition. Customers want to be sure that they are buying a product that is of good value and of high quality. People in business are not going to spend their company's money on something they don't really need (unlike customers, who can sometimes be ...... (18) ...... to buy useless products like fur coats and solid gold watches!). Some salespeople adopt a direct hard sell approach, while others use a more indirect soft sell approach ..... (19) ..... approach is used, in the end perhaps a good salesperson is someone who can persuade anyone to buy anything ..... (20) ..... maybe a good salesperson is someone who knows how to deal with different kinds of people and who can point out how his or her product will benefit each individual customer in special ways.

A. one
B. nor
C. neither
D. either
E. both

A. attributes
B. superiorities
C impacts
D. excesses
E. advantages

A. One of the
B. The one
C. What
D. Whichever
E. Whenever

A. competing
B. competition
C. compete
D. competitor
E competitive

A. demanded
B. persuaded
C. controlled
D. forced
E. inspired

A. On the other hand
B. As a result
C. Accordingly
D. For that reason
E. Eventually​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


15. d.baik

16. B.persaingan

17. E.kelebihan

18. E. terinspirasi

19. A. Salah satunya

20. B. Akibatnya

maaf kalo salah ya^-^

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Dec 22