seperti B. Combine these sentences with such... that or so...

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari noviraanggraini84 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

seperti B. Combine these sentences with such... that or so... that! 1. The street is very narrow. Only a person can pass the street. 2. The song was very calming. The song made me sleep. 3. The cat is very cute. I want to hug the cat. 4. This book is very famous. Nearly everyone has read it. 5. It was a horrible cake. I couldn't finish eating any of it.​
seperti B. Combine these sentences with such... that or so... that! 1. The street is very narrow. Only a person can pass the street. 2. The song was very calming. The song made me sleep. 3. The cat is very cute. I want to hug the cat. 4. This book is very famous. Nearly everyone has read it. 5. It was a horrible cake. I couldn't finish eating any of it.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban ini dijawab sesuai dengan teks bahasa Inggris pada gambar yang dilampirkan. Jawaban ini dijawab dengan menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu dengan such that atau so that.


Kata so dan such bisa digunakan dengan klausa that untuk menunjukkan sebab akibat (cause-effect). Fungsi keduanya adalah untuk memperkuat makna adjective, adverb, atau noun.

Perbedaan such that dan so that yang di bagian penempatannya saja. Setelah kata such diikuti dengan noun, sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti dengan adjective.

Jawaban dari soal yang tertera pada gambar adalah

  • The street is very narrow. Only a person can pass the street. The street is so narrow that only a person can pass the street.
  • The song was very calming. The song made me sleep. The song was so calming that made me sleep.
  • The cat is very cute. I want to hug the cat. The cat is so cute that I want to hug the cat.
  • This book is very famous. Nearly everyone has read it. This is such a famous book that nearly everyone has read it.
  • It was a horrible cake. I couldn't finish eating any of it. It was such a horrible cake that I couldn't finish eating any of it.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Materi tentang contoh kalimat so that dan such that

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Last Update: Sat, 10 Dec 22