Change these following sentences into passive voice!1. The chef has

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lusianaluna27 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change these following sentences into passive voice!1. The chef has prepared the meals in the restaurant.

2. The secretary has arranged the schedule of the supervisor.

3. They have sold their wooden house.

4. He has painted the building with blue colour.

5. The headmaster has canceled the meeting today.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The meals have been prepared by the chef in the restaurant.

2. The schedule of the supervisor has been arranged by the secretary.

3. Their wooden house has been sold by them.

4. The building has been painted with blue colour by him.

5. The meeting has been canceled the headmaster today.


Ini adalah materi passive voice, khususnya dalam tense present perfect tense

Dalam tense ini, struktur kalimat aktifnya adalah:

subjek + have/has (+ not, kalau kalimat negatif) + verb 3 + objek/keterangan

Dalam kalimat passive, strukturnya menjadi:

subjek (ini adalah yang tadinya objek kalimat positif) + have/has (+ not dalam kalimat negatif) + been + verb 3 + by objek (yang tadinya subjek kalimat positif)

Contoh soal 1

The chef has prepared the meals in the restaurant.

Kalau dibreakdown:

subjek kalimat = The chef

prepared = verb 3  (dari kata prepare)

the meals (objek kalimat, ini adalah bentuk plural, jamak)

in the restauran = keterangan.

Maka kalimat passivenya adalah:

The meals + have (bukan has, karena the meals adalah plural) + been + prepared (verb 3) + in the restaurant.


The meals have been prepared by the chef in the restaurant.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Dec 22