TolongggA. Choose the correct a,b, c or d to answer the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari royhandikaw pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TolongggA. Choose the correct a,b, c or d to answer the question!

1. Alifa: I’ve been looking for you.

Tiara: What happened?

Alifa: Since I am your close friend, I want to be the first to say . . . .

Tiara: How do you know I won the competition?

Alifa: I’m your close friend, aren’t I? You are really good at telling a story.

a. Congratulations on winning English speech contest.

b. Congratulations on your achievement.

c. Congratulations on being the winner of short story writing competition.

d. Congratulations on winning English debating contest.

2. The following expressions are used to congratulate someone, except.

a. Fantastic!

b. I’m proud of you.

c. Shame on you!

d. You did incredible job!

3. Aldi: It was a good match. You’ve defeated me. Now you’re the champion. You’re

The best. Congratulations.

Deni: . . . .

a. Thank you for telling me.

b. Thank you very much for saying so.

c. You’re so kind.

d. Yes I am the champion.

4. . . . . is an expression to appreciate or praise other people and useful to give encouragement.

a. Congratulating

b. Complimenting

c. Expression

d. Celebration

5. The following expression is the expression of complimenting.

a. What a tragedy!

b. What an accident!

c. What a disaster!

d. What a great idea!

6. Albet: Wow, I never see you like this before.

Nikel: What’s wrong?

Albet: Nope. It’s just . . . . You always wear jersey almost everyday. Now you have a

Leather jacket on you.

Nikel: . . . .

Albet: Really?

Nikel: Sure.

a. That jacket is too big for you.

b. The jacket fits on you

c. That jacket unfits on you.

d. The jacket is so tight.

7. We can compliment someone who is kindhearted by saying . . . .

a. How poor you are.

b. What a reckless!

c. How careless you are.

d. What a gentle person.

8. Mrs. Erie: I love gardening. I’ve been gardening since I moved here.

Dita : You designed the layout of your garden by yourself?

Mrs. Erie: Yes. Do you like it?

Dita : Yes. This is amazing . . . .

a. What a lovely garden.

b. What a beautiful flowers.

c. How amazing you are.

d. How wonderful day.


1. Make the congratulation cards based on the statement:

“Your sister has graduated from a culinary arts program in Padang, West Sumatra. She wants to be the best chef and plans to open her own restaurant”

2. Please give the complimenting expression based on the situations:

Situation I

You see your friend wear new shoes

Situation II

Your sister is the best graduate in her campus

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


ini banyak bangat bak atau Abang , ini pasti orang gak ngerti kalo orang tau bahasa inggiris pasti bisa

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Dec 22