1.a singular subject takes a singular verb(the cat drinks milk) 2.a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amandabunyamin pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.a singular subject takes a singular verb(the cat drinks milk)2.a plural subject takes a plural verb(they drive very fast)
3.a compound subject connected by and takes a plural verb(mom and dad play cards)
4.a compound subject connected by either/or or neither/ nor, the verb agrees with the subject doser to it(either my sister or my brother takes me to the stadium) neither my family nor my friends are supporting me)
5.a singular indefinite pronoun as the always takes a singular verb.(anybody,anyone,everybody,no one,somebody,someone,something) ( everybody loves saturdays night).

write the correct present tense form of the verb on the line.
1.everyone in this class.........waring jeans.(be)
2.many students..........for five or six years.(study)
3.factories.........economically these years.(suffer)
4.somebody........do something about it.(have to)
5.either you or i......to do it.(need)
6.everyone.......time off.(enjoy)
7.neither the man nor the woman........older than 60.(be)
8.today i.........going to make a speech.(be)
9.either my dad or mom........us to the game.(take)
10.peter..........in his room.(study)
11.the teacher........her bike to school ever day.(ride)
12.neither the student nor the parent........present.(be)
13.neither the teacher nor the students.........it is a good idea.(think)
14.someone........to wear sandals in early spring.(prefer)
15.everybody...... a right to a good life.(have)
16.neither cats nor dogs..........allowed at the exhibition.(be)
17.the iphone.........a great invention.(be)
18.neither denmark nor germany.........the european championship.(win)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


thyme kghfkfmdnvjfgaksi-aksi asl sll dl kHz aan jhx aj ya dn jd gk ya dgn ga GL ha dl ia kl jd fosforilasi ha hosp kakaka

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Last Update: Tue, 24 Jan 23