13.Find the Noun Phrases: "The student forgot his late homework." The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Neiru pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

13.Find the Noun Phrases: "The student forgot his late homework."The student
forgot his
his late homework.
Both "The student" and "his late homework."
14.Choose the correct definition of a noun phrase:
A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea
A noun phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as a noun.
a word that describes or gives more information about a verb
a word that describes a noun or pronoun
15.What are the constituents (building blocks) of a Noun Phrase?
Adjectives, Determiners, Adverbs
Adjectives, Determiners, Verbs
Determiners, Nouns, Adjectives,
16.What is an action verb?
An action verb expresses an mental activity that a person or thing do.
An action verb expresses an activity that a person or thing can do.
17.Which sentence has an action verb?
The raccoon opened our garbage can!
It is a smart animal.
My father seems upset.
A frown is on his face.
18. I'm asking you ... I want to know your opinion.
because of
due to
owing to

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

13. Noun Phrase yang tepat adalah The Student

14. A noun phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as a noun.

15. Determiners, Nouns, Adjectives

16. An action verb expresses an activity that a person or thing can do.

17. My father seems upset

18. I'm asking you because I want to know your opinion.


Noun Phrase adalag frasa yang terdiri dari 2 atau lebih kata yang merujuk pada kata benda.

Noun Phrase ditandai dengan kata awal: a, an, the, my, your dan ditambah dengan kata benda. Adapun konstituen dari noun phrase adalah Determiners, Nouns, Adjectives. Determiner adalah kata depan yang merujuk ke kata benda, seperti The, Which, Each dan Any. Nouns adalah Kata benda. dan Adjective adalah kata keterangan yang menerangkan kata benda yang dirujuk, seperti faster, and younger

Untuk membentuk suatu kalimat aktif dibutuhkan kata kerja atau verb, Contoh verb yaitu read, cook, sit, stand, see etc. kata kerja bermakna bahwa kata yang menerangkan subjek mengerjakan sesuatu.

Contoh kalimat aktif : My father seems upset. seems merupakan V3 dari kata kerja see dengan urutan kata kerja sebagai berikut: See< Saw<Seem

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Last Update: Tue, 16 Aug 22