Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rdi730760 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus to go downtown and went to an art museum. The museum opened at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning. We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom. At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home and studied. What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?​

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going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.


going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Jun 22