Change + into - and ? 1. Wati usually teaches

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ifahira93 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change + into - and ? 1. Wati usually teaches prakarya 2. The children are happy 3. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia 4. The bag has a black colour 5. The cows eat the grass 6. The moon is round 7. Sussy and her sister have rabbits 8. We are best friends 9. I love my daughter very much 10. Tiara always comes on time​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Present Tense (Verbal ;ada kata kerja) =

(+) s+v1/s/es+o

(-) s+do/does+not+v1+o

(?) do/does+v1+o

Present tense (Nominal; tanpa kata kerja) =

(+) s+to be (is/am/are)+o

(-) s+to be (is/am/are)+not+o

(?) to be (is/am/are)+s+o


1. (-)Wati usually does not teach prakarya

(?) Does Wati teach prakarya?

2. (-)The Children are not happy

(?) Are The Children happy?

3. (-) Jakarta is not the capital city of Indonesia

(?) Is Jakarta the capital city of Indonesia?

4. (-) The bag does not has a black colour

(?) Does the bag has black colour?

5. (-) The cows does not eat the grass

(?) Does the cow eat the grass?

6. (-) The moon is not round

(?) Is The moon round?

7. (-) Sussy and her sister do not have rabbits

(?) Do sussy and her sister have rabbits?

8. (-) We are not best friends

(?) Are we best friends?


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Last Update: Thu, 16 Feb 23