control. depression.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ItzCottonCandy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Control. depression. distracts. make. motivate. range. tiredone reasons listening to music helps us exercise is that it _______ us.when we listen to a song we enjoy,our mind pays attentions to the music ,so we don't feel______.another reason music helps us exercise is that it can ______,,_us to keep exercising.

A recent shows that people exercise better when they use special machines that allow them to______music while exercising with other people .they felt this gave them more_____.also,it made exercising a fun,social the future,these machines coulf even be used to help people who suffer from_______​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


One reasons listening to music helps us exercise is that it distracts us. When we listen to a song we enjoy, our mind pays attentions to the music , so we don't feel tired. Another reason music helps us exercise is that it can motivate us to keep exercising.

A recent shows that people exercise better when they use special machines that allow them to create music while exercising with other people . They felt this gave them more control. Also, it made exercising a fun, social activity. In the future, these machines coulf even be used to help people who suffer from depression.


Untuk menjawab soal ini kita harus memahami strukstur kalimat, parts of speech dan tentu saja penguasaan vocabulary yang luas.

distract => mengalihan perhatian (pakai tambahan s karena subjek kalimatnya "It" dalam simple present tense.

tired => lelah, capek

motivate => memotivasi

create => menciptakan. Di sini maksudnya bukan menciptakan musik seperti pemain band atau komposer tapi mesin yang menghasilkan/memainkan musik atau kita bisa membuat playlist di alat tersebut.

control => mengontrol

depression => depresi (kondisi kejiawan yang tertekan)

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Feb 23