Change the following sentences into passive voice without the doer!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tooinvation pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the following sentences into passive voice without the doer! a. The visitors leave the garbage on the park benches. b. Stopping littering habit can save clean water. C. The warning sign asks the visitors not to feed the animals.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Passive Voice:

a. The visitors leave the garbage on the park benches.

The garbage is left on the park benches (by the visitors).

b. Stopping littering habit can save clean water.

Clean water can be saved (by stopping littering habit).

C. The warning sign asks the visitors not to feed the animals.​

The visitors are asked not to feed the animals (by the warning sign).


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat di dalam kurung pada jawaban bisa digunakan atau dihapus dalam kalimat.

Perintah soal menyatakan untuk membuat kalimat pasif tanpa pelaku (without the doer) artinya kalimat di dalam kurung tersebut tidak digunakan / dihapus saja.

Passive Voice:

1. Passive Voice [Simple Present Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb3

2. Passive Voice [Present Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb3

3. Passive Voice [Present Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + have/has + been + Verb3

4. Passive Voice [Simple Past Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb 3

5. Passive Voice [Past Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Being + Verb3

6. Passive Voice [Past Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + had + been + Verb3

7. Passive Voice [Simple Future Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will + be + Verb3

8. Passive Voice [Future Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will be + being + Verb3

9. Passive Voice [Future Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will have + been + Verb3

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Last Update: Tue, 30 Aug 22