Complete the following story with the suitable verbs of PERFECT

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wawan4974 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the following story with the suitable verbs of PERFECT TENSE (past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)!Mr. Ramli's car 1) (break)..... down, so he stopped the red car that came down the street. "What's the problem, Sir?” asked the driver of the red car. "I need some help," answered Mr. Ramli, "my car 2)....... (break) down, and I don't know about car."

"I can't help you, Sir. I'm not a mechanic, and I don't know about cars, too," said the driver. "In that case, you can drive me to the nearest service station," said Mr. Ramli. The driver agreed. Then Mr. Ramli got into the red car.
"Your car 3) (go)......... before we arrive if you park there," asked the driver.

"Don't worry, Sir. I 4) (ask)........ the villager to look after it," answered Mr. Ramli.
The driver was right.
The area was dangerous because some thieves 5) (steal)......... unattended cars there.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. had broken

2. has broken

3. had gone

4. have asked

5. had stolen


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

1. had broken karena menggunakan bentuk Past Perfect Tense mobilnya sudah mogok terlebih dulu di masa lampau sebelum berhenti di lampu merah

2. has broken karena menggunakan bentuk Present Perfect Tense mobilnya bukan hanya sekali itu mogoknya

3. had gone karena mobilnya sudah pergi duluan sebelum mereka tiba

4. have asked karena pemilik mobil sudah meminta penduduk desa untuk menjaga mobilnya

5. had stolen karena banyak pencuri yang sudah mencuri mobil yang tidak diawasi di sana

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Last Update: Fri, 07 Oct 22