Task 8 Put the verb into correct present/past/future 1. David

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari erwinaloy024 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 8 Put the verb into correct present/past/future 1. David (shave) when his wife 2. The Claytons 3. When the earthquake they While Tom and Sally with the flu. 4. 5. 6. We While they 7. The chef 8. The man 9. While he 10. Diana continuous tense form! (come) home yesterday. (celebrate) a birthday party when I (destroy) their house, the Claytons (sleep) or watching TV at home. (go) to school, their little sister (play) cards, somebody (play) monopoly when the lights (phone) last (cook) a delicious meal it the guests (talk) on the phone when he (talk) on the phone, his baby (kiss) her sister when her parents (sho (sleep) in (break) into the house. (go off). (start) to arrive. (crash) against the othe (sleep). (come back) home fro​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. was shaving, came
  2. were celebrating, phoned
  3. destroyed, were shopping, were not sleeping
  4. were going, was sleeping
  5. were playing, broke
  6. were playing, went off
  7. was cooking, started
  8. was talking, crashed
  9. was talking, was sleeping
  10. was kissing, came back



Past Continuous

  • S + was/were + V-ing

Simple Past

  • S + V2

Untuk soal di atas, gunakan

  • Simple Past + when + Past Continuous
  • Past Continuous + while + Past Continuous


was shaving, came were celebrating, phoneddestroyed, were shopping, were not sleeping were going, was sleeping were playing, broke were playing, went off was cooking, started was talking, crashed was talking, was sleepingwas kissing, came back ________________ Pembahasan Past ContinuousS + was/were + V-ing Simple PastS + V2 Untuk soal di atas, gunakanSimple Past + when + Past ContinuousPast Continuous + while + Past Continuous________

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Last Update: Mon, 13 Feb 23