Task 1 You are going to listen to your teacher

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kamuiye355 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 1 You are going to listen to your teacher carefully and fill in the blank spaces with the correct answer. Mother Bagas, eat your (1)..., first. J Bagas: I don't have (2)... time, Mom. I'm late. Mother You must not (3)... your breakfast. It will give you energy for the day Bagas: But, I'm not hungry. I had some (4)... at 01. 30 last night. Mother: At 01.30 last night? What time (5)... you go to bed? Bagas: Around 2.00 a.m. Mother: Oh my God. I've told you not to stay up (6)... on school days, haven't 1? Bagas I know, Mom. I'm so (7)... about that, but I had to review my lessons for the English test today. Mother Alright, this is the (8)... you did it. Try to (9)... your time better. Bagas: I will, Mom. Thank you, but I really have to (10)... now. Mother Alright take care.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. break fast

2. much

3. eat

4. Snack

5. do

6. late

7. sorry

8. second

9. make

10. go

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Last Update: Sat, 28 Jan 23