cari kalimat simple past tense pada text dibawah ini

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fikrirmdhan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Cari kalimat simple past tense pada text dibawah iniInterview with the Wright Brothers

In 1905, there was a TV talkshow that interview great inventors at that time. Below is a script of

interview with The Wright brothers.

Host : Hello and welcome to our talkshow tonight, Great Inventors! Today we have very special guests,

Orville and Wilbur Wright. We are going to ask them about their revolutionary inventions. What

do you call your invention?

Orville : We invented airplane.

Host : Airplane? What is the tool for?

Wilbur : It’s a tool that will help human being to fly!

Host : Oohhh, is it like a flying car? How did you get the inspiration?

Ohhh, jadi seperti mobil terbang? Bagaimana anda bisa mendapatkan


Orville : Our dad gave us a toy helicopter that flew with the help of rubber bands. We’ve been interested

in the idea since then.

Wilbur : Orville has always liked to build kites, so, we have experimented with making our own

helicopters for a while now.

Host : But that was only a toy, what about the actual plane?

Wilbur : Orville made the first flight with our first plane at Kitty Hawk on December 14, 1903.

Host : Why did you choose Kitty Hawk?

Mengapa Anda memilih Kitty Hawk?

Orville : Kitty Hawk had a hill, good breezes, and was sandy. The condition would help soften the

landings in case of a crash. The first flight lasted 12 seconds and they flew for 120 feet.

Wilbur : We have worked and experimented with gliders to perfect the wing design and controls since


Host : I see. So you’ve had the newest version of your airplane?

Wilbur : Yes. Recently, I took a newly designed airplane that we called the Flyer II for the first flight

lasting over 5 minutes.

Iya. Baru-baru ini, saya mendesain pesawat baru yang kami sebut Flyer II

Host : How amazing! I think this invention will be a big thing soon.

Wilbur : Our father has asked us not to fly together. He said it’s for the safety reason

Orville : Yes, we will continue making more experiment so that airplane will be available for everyone


Host : Okay, we wish you good luck with the next experiments.


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Simple Past Tense from the text:

  1. In 1905, there was a TV talkshow
  2. We invented airplane.
  3. How did you get the inspiration?
  4. Our dad gave us a toy helicopter that flew with the help of rubber bands.
  5. Orville made the first flight with our first plane at Kitty Hawk on December 14, 1903.
  6. Why did you choose Kitty Hawk?
  7. Kitty Hawk had a hill, good breezes, and was sandy.
  8. The condition would help soften the landings in case of a crash.
  9. The first flight lasted 12 seconds and they flew for 120 feet.
  10. Yes. Recently, I took a newly designed airplane that we called the Flyer II for the first flight lasting over 5 minutes.
  11. He said it’s for the safety reason.


Jawaban dicetak tebal adalah Verb-2 (kata kerja bentuk ke-2) yang merupakan ciri khas dari bentuk kalimat Simple Past Tense yang diambil dari teks wawancara pada soal.

Simple Past Tense:

Verbal: (+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Nominal: (+) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + Adjective / Noun / Adverb

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Last Update: Sun, 01 May 22