Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fathirakbarandriano pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
• invite • congratulate • participate • open • be • hold • eat • enjoy • give • ask • celebrate • help
My brother (1)_________ his graduation last week. He has finished his studies from a universaty. We (2)________ a simple party at home and (3)_______ our relatives and my brother's clos friends. Many guests came and (4)________ my brother on his achievement. Then,we (5)_______ the delicious menu served to us. We (6)__________ our time together. Few of my brother's friends (7)__________ him presents. One (8)________ a big package and quite heavy. He (9)_________ the presents one by one. I (10)________ my brother open teh big package. It is a wooden craft that depicts my brother and his friends. It is so cool
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
My brother (1) celebrated his graduation last week. He has finished his studies from a university. We (2) held a simple party at home and (3) invited our relatives and my brother's close friends. Many guests came and (4) congratulated my brother on his achievement. Then, we (5) ate the delicious menu served to us. We (6) enjoyed our time together. Few of my brother's friends (7) gave him presents. One (8) was a big package and quite heavy. He (9) opened the presents one by one. I (10) helped my brother open the big package. It is a wooden craft that depicts my brother and his friends. It is so cool.
Jawaban dalam teks di atas kuncinya adalah mencari verb (kata kerja) yang sesuai. Verbs tersebut kemudian kita ubah menjadi past form (bentuk kata kerja lampau).
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Last Update: Sun, 19 Feb 23