Do you kn ppen in An America? Hurricanes always st

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zayyanqurtotuainiain pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Do you kn ppen in An America? Hurricanes always st and five degrees south latitude of the equator has ocean waters of at least 27° the tropics. It is because an area of the tropics that lies between five degrees ingredients is wind blowing westward off the continent of Africa. a large area. This is the first ingredient needed for a hurricane to develop. The Hurricanes feed on warm moist air rising from the Atlantic Ocean. water evaporates, turning into water vapor, from the surface of the ocean an dense or compact, forming cumulonimbus cloud that extends to a great heigh As it rises, it cools. This causes the water vapor to condense, or to becom these clouds are formed, the first stage of hurricane development has begun 3. What is the text about? How hurricanes happen b. What a hurricane is like C. When hurricanes happen d. What effect caused by a hurricane e. How to avoid a hurricane to happen a.3. what is the text abuot ?
a. how hurricanes happen
b.what a hurricane is like
c. what hurricanes happen
d. what effect caused by a hurricane
e. how to avold a hurricane to happen ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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A. How hurricanes happen


Because the text is telling us the process of hurricanes' formation:
1. An area of the tropics that lies between five degrees ingredients is wind blowing westward off the continent of Africa (a large area).
2. The hurricanes feed on warm moist air rising from the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Water evaporates, turning into water vapor, from the surface of the ocean a dense or compact, forming cumulonimbus cloud that extends to a great height.
4. As it rises, it cools. This cause the water vapor to condense, or to become these clouds are formed.
5. The first stage of hurricane development has begun.

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Last Update: Fri, 01 Jul 22