Alumni Gathering Report Terms of Reference Mr. Nana, the headmaster,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari afifatunnisanurulazz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Alumni Gathering ReportTerms of Reference Mr. Nana, the headmaster, has requested this report on the Alumni Gathering Activity. The report was to be submitted to him by 30 December 2018. Procedure A representative selection of 15% of all participants were interviewed during the alumni gathering, on 16 December 2018 concerning :
1. Overall satisfaction with the activities in the gathering.
2. Problem encountered when dealing with the facilities.
3. Suggestions for the improvementof next gathering activity.

1.The participants were generally satisfied with the activities in the gathering. 2.Some problems were encountered when they lacked of mineral water. 3.Most of the participants complained about the uncomfortability in the room. 4.The most common suggestion for improvement was the mineral water availability.

1.Participants are happy to join the gactivities in the gathering.
2.They have problem with the room. 3.Improvements need to take place in the uncomfortability of the room.
4.Mineral water availability should be considered as the most urgent need.

1.Meet the committee to discuss the serious problem faced by the participants.
2.Give priority improvements on room comfortability.
3.Have an outdoor gathering.

1. If everything has been improved, what do you think will happen?
2. What will the headmaster probably react knowing the situation?
3. If you were the commite, what will be your priority of improvements?

please bantu jwb dong...
besok dikumpulin :(​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. If everything has been improved, what do you think will happen?

If everything has been improved, the participants will be more comfortable to attend the Alumni Gathering Activity.

2. What will the headmaster probably react knowing the situation?

Knowing the situation, the headmaster probably feels a little bit disappointed not having a comfortable room and lacking mineral water for the attendees.  

3. If you were the commite, what will be your priority of improvements?

If I were the commite, my prioroty of improvements will be to have the gathering in an outdoor area or choose a larger room and prepare the gathering in more details so the lack of mineral water will not happen.


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  1. Bagian Identifikasi – bagian ini menjelaskan makna cerita secara ringkas untuk dipahami pembaca untuk mengantisipasi apa yang akan dibaca selanjutnya.
  2. Bagian Description – bagian ini adalah bagian inti yang menjelaskan detail penjelasan oleh penulis sehingga pembaca pahan atas inti cerita yang dibaca.

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  1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
  2. Banyak ditemukan kata sifat dalam teks.
  3. Banyak ditemukan kata kerja penghubung seperti: is/am/are, has/have dan lain-lain dalam teks.

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Oct 22