Listen to the dialogue and complete the blanks in it

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aditrikurniawan82 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Listen to the dialogue and complete the blanks in it carefully!Leon Mom, I have something to consult to you. Can you help me? I don't know, Let me hear the story first.... (1) Mother Leon Actually, I enrolled myself to a reputable private university in Singapore. and I got accepted. That's good, my boy! Congratulations. So, what's wrong with it? :I'm worried about the fee, Mom. Thatuniversity is pretty expensive... (2)? Well, um..... Why don't you look for a scholarship? You are a bright student. I bet you'll get one quite easily. For now, your father and... (3) I've also had some money I got from part-time jobs I did during school breaks. But Mom, if I go to that university, I would have to move to Singapore. : Does the university have dorms? : Yes, it does. But then I would have to share room with a roommate :Well... Then... (4). You'll be more independent and get some experiences on getting along with other people. : Yeah, that's right, but..... I don't know, Mom. Mother Leon Mother Leon Mother Lean Mother Leon Mother Leon Mother :Or you can stay at your cousin's place. How about that? I remember Fandi said he now lives in Singapore....(5). I'll contact him now. Thanks for your suggestions, Mom. : Okay​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Soal di atas adalah soal mendengarkan percakapan (listen to the dialogue) sehingga tidak bisa dijawab karena soal tidak lengkap. Berikut adalah jawaban dari pertanyaan pada percakapan.

The boy consults about his study to university to her mother.

The boy will continue his school to a reputable private university in Singapore.

The fee of the school is pretty expensive.

The boy should look for a scholarship and do part times jobs to pay the education fee.

The boy might stay at his cousin's place in Singapore.


Mari kita bahas satu per satu soal di atas.

1. Perhatikan kalimat "Leon : Actually, I enrolled myself to a reputable private university in Singapore, and I got accepted." Ini berarti Leon konsultasi mengenai kelanjutan sekolahnya ke universitas.

2. Pada soal ini Leon berkata kepada ibunya ia diterima di sebuah universitas swasta terkenal di Singapura (a reputable private university in Singapore).

3. Perhatikan kalimat "Leon : I'm worried about the fee, Mom. That university is pretty expensive."

4. Pada dialog di atas, ibu Leon menyarankan untuk mencari beasiswa karena Leon anak yang cerdas dan Leon pun berkata ia akan melakukan part time jobs untuk membayar biaya kuliahnya.

5. Perhatikan kalimat "Mother: Or, you can stay at your cousin's place. How about that? I remember Fandi said he now lives in Singapore." Ini berarti Leon akan tinggal bersama sepupunya karena di akhir dialog Leon berkata ia akan menghubungi sepupunya.

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Nov 22