Activity 1: Reading Comprehension A Read the following text carefully!

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Activity 1: Reading Comprehension A Read the following text carefully! I have a best friend who sits beside me in school. Atika is her name. Despite the fact that we have only known each other for a few days, she has been really gracious to me. Her figure is slender and tall. She has a cute face that will captivate every boy who sees her. Her hair is wavy. Swimming and gardening are her hobbies. She is not only attractive, but she is also a very friendly and polite person. When someone greets her, she always responds with a smile. We always go to school together every morning. We always stick together, whether it's to the restroom or the canteen. We're like peas and carrots. She is my deskmate. Every day, she appears to be delighted and lively. She may also be amusing at times, causing me to laugh out loud while conversing with her or simply witnessing her silly behavior. B. Answer the following questions based on the text! 1. What is the text about? 2. What does the writer's best friend look like? 3. How is the personality of the writer's best friend? 4. What are the writer's best friend's hobbies? 5. How are they at school? C. Identify the structure of the text above! Text Structure​
Activity 1: Reading Comprehension A Read the following text carefully! I have a best friend who sits beside me in school. Atika is her name. Despite the fact that we have only known each other for a few days, she has been really gracious to me. Her figure is slender and tall. She has a cute face that will captivate every boy who sees her. Her hair is wavy. Swimming and gardening are her hobbies. She is not only attractive, but she is also a very friendly and polite person. When someone greets her, she always responds with a smile. We always go to school together every morning. We always stick together, whether it's to the restroom or the canteen. We're like peas and carrots. She is my deskmate. Every day, she appears to be delighted and lively. She may also be amusing at times, causing me to laugh out loud while conversing with her or simply witnessing her silly behavior. B. Answer the following questions based on the text! 1. What is the text about? 2. What does the writer's best friend look like? 3. How is the personality of the writer's best friend? 4. What are the writer's best friend's hobbies? 5. How are they at school? C. Identify the structure of the text above! Text Structure ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. About a Best Friend, Her name is Atika.

2. Her figure is slender and tall, she has a cute face, her hair is wavy

3. She is very friendly and polite person

4. Swimming and gardening are her hobbies

5. They always stick together whether its the restroom or the canteen.

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22