Text is for questions number 1 to 6 Now Janet

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari labiibahnur pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Text is for questions number 1 to 6 Now Janet (1) ..... in her house with her husband, James. They are (2).... on a wooden chair. Janet is holding a coat and fixing it. James is fixing clothes too. Elizabeth is sitting in front of them. She is Janet's sister. Right now she is (3) .... Janet and James. They are (4).... together. They are fixing clothes. They are all working very hard.1. The suitable word to fill the blank is...
a. do
c. doing
d. is
b. does

2. The suitable word to fill the blank is...
a. sitting
C. sat
b. sit
d. sits

3. The suitable word to fill the blank is...
a. helping
c. help
b. helped
d. holding

4. The suitable word to fill the blank is
a. sit
b. sat
c. working
d. work

5. where is Janet now
a. alone in her house
b. in her room
c. in her house with James

6. what are they doing
a. eating together
b. sitting while fixing the clothes
c. having some conversation
d. having lunch ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Text is for questions number 1 to 6 Now Janet (1) ..... in her house with her husband, James. They are (2).... on a wooden chair. Janet is holding a coat and fixing it. James is fixing clothes too. Elizabeth is sitting in front of them. She is Janet's sister. Right now she is (3) .... Janet and James. They are (4).... together. They are fixing clothes. They are all working very hard.

1. The suitable word to fill the blank is...

a. do

c. doing

d. is

b. does

2. The suitable word to fill the blank is...

a. sitting

C. sat

b. sit

d. sits

3. The suitable word to fill the blank is...

a. helping

c. help

b. helped

d. holding

4. The suitable word to fill the blank is

a. sit

b. sat

c. working

d. work

5. where is Janet now

a. alone in her house

b. in her room

c. in her house with James

6. what are they doing

a. eating together

b. sitting while fixing the clothes

c. having some conversation

d. having lunch

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Last Update: Wed, 31 Aug 22