1. I ,,, a new motor cycle yesterday. (buy) a. Will buy c.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari desvitakhoirunisa22 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. I ,,, a new motor cycle yesterday. (buy) a. Will buy c. had bought b. Buys d. bought2. My girl friend …. Book to my teacher last time. (give) a. Gave c. is giving b. Gives d. will give

3. We … the cat in front of my school last night. (catch) a. Will catch c. catch b. Are catching d. caught

4. Did You … In my house yesterday?.(stay) a. Stayed c. staying b. Will stay d. stay

5. Did not Tamara and Tania … to Surabaya last month?. (go) a. Go  c. will go b. Gone d. going

6. Sabrina is looking for his motor, she can’t find it, She … it. (forget) a. Forgot c. will forget b. Forgotten d. is forgetting

7. He ,,,, money  to me yesterday . (throw)  a. Threw c. will throw b. Will throw d. is throwing

8. Did you …. Your mother last night? ( call) a. Call c. will call b. Calling d. calls

9. You … them a picture yesterday (send)  a. Sent c. will send b. Are sending d. send

10. Tamara … a letter to his teacher yesterday. (write)  a. Write c.writes b. Wrote d. will write

11. Did Roziqin stay in your village? No he … out yesterday. (go) a. go c.goes b. went d.will go

12. Did you make this bread tamara? no, I       it, I bought it yesterday. (make) a. didn’t make c. will make b. made d. make

13. My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But I was confusing, i … it (understand),  a. Will understand c. understand b. Didn’t understand d. am understanding

14. We cooked a fried chicken, but we … it last night. (eat) a. Ate c. didn’t eat b. Will eat d. would eat

15. Amira bought a new bag last month, But She …. It . (use)  a. Use c. didn’t use b. Will use  d. haven’t use

16. I …your  home last night, but you didn’t at home, (visit) a. Will visit c. am visiting b. Visited d. visit

17. Did you …. This floor yesterday?(sweep) a. Sweep c. will sweep b. Swept d. are sweeping

18. Mr. Budi  … a bread for us last night. (make) a. Make c. will make b. Made d. makes

19. We talked to each other last night, but annisa … with me, (talk)  a. Talk c. will talk b. Didn’t talk d. is talking

20. They … your house last month. (repair) a. Repair c. will repair b. Repaired d, are repairing

21. Did You …. To Malang last week? (visit) a. visit c. visited b. visits d. visiting

22. Did you …. Aminah’s house?. (know) a. know c. knew b. knows d. are knowing

23. I didn’t meet my girl friend yesterday, did fadli … her?(see) a. See c. saw b. Is seeing d. will see

24. Reza Pahlevi … this building last month.(build) a. Is building c. built b. Build d. will build

25. I slept early last night, so I … titanic movie in youtube. (watch) a. Watched c. will watch b. Didn’t watch d. watch​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. d


3. d

4. d

5. a

6. d (agak ragu)

7. a



10. b

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Last Update: Sat, 02 Jul 22