Completing the following dialogues based on the right responses.1. A:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari thekrim455 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Completing the following dialogues based on the right responses.1. A: Why can't I find my script file on this laptop?
B: It already gone because the laptop...yesterday
a. Be fixed
b. Fixed
c. Was fixed
d. Are fixed
2. A: Why are you so hurry?
B: I have arrived there on time because 1... by my family there.
a. Waited
am waiting
b. To be waited
am waited
3. The window... since three day ago.
a. Is cleaned
c. Has not been cleaned
b. Have not been cleaned
d. To be dean
4. He is still waiting... for job interview.
a. To be calling
is called
b. Are being called
d. To be called
5. The table is not here anymore. It must has...
a. Been taken away
c. Have taken away
b. Should have been taking away
6. Aqilla
d. Should have taken away
a. If I had a chance, I will go to bali for work
c. If I were you, I would continue my study
b. If I study hard I can graduate from school
7. Chelsea
d. If my parents have much money I will enter the college
: What time we will leave?
: If you get up early, we...
: Okay, I'll set my alarm.
a. Will leave at dawn
c. Won't leave at dawn
b. Would leave at dawn
d. Would have left at dawn
What will you do after finishing the study?
.... How about you?
a. I can't manage my self
c. I don't know what to say
d. My father works hard for me
b. I will work to eam money
9. Teacher
How about your final exam next month, have your prepared it?
: I don't decide what to do, miss?
a. I wish I had enough time to prepare the final exam
b. I wish you could have answered all the question
10. Azzam
c. If1 didn't answer all questions, I wouldn't pass
d. If you come to my house I will train you
What time is the blackpink concert tomorrow?
:09 pm. If we get early...
: I agree with you. I'll pick up you at 7 pm.
We would sit on the balcony.
c. We wouldn't miss a thing
d. We'll be in front of the stage
b. We'll reserve a ticket a concert
11. If She. Her assignment tonight, She will go to market with her friend
would finish
a. Finished
d. had finished
b. Finishes
12. I would never lend to you if I... Before
b. Knows
a. Know
8. Siska
: What is your plan after graduating from vocational​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C

2. D

3. C ( has not been cleaned )

4. D

5. A

6. ( maaf teksnya kurang tertata )

7. C

8. B. i will work to warna money

9. A

10. B. we'll reserve a ticket to concert

11. A

12. tidak ada di option ( kemungkinan C atau D )


maaf tidak semuanya dijawab dikarenakan teksnya yang kurang tertata.

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Sep 22