Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari helpsbk pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
130 Cars in Fogo UK Pileup
More than 100 vehicles were damaged in series of cashes on the A249 Sheppey crossing in Kent, England Thursday morning. Authorities were called to the scene around 7 a.m. to find 130 wrecked cars strung all along the bridge that connects the Isle of Sheppey to the Kent mainland.
"It was very bad." And how upsetting was it?" Extremely. I was so glad to realize that we were okay. Actually, there was a worse accident in front of me. So it became a domino effect, really, cars colliding into each other. And people were badly hurt actually, yeah. Dozens of people were taken to a nearby hospital, and about 200 people were treated by emergency responders at the crash site. No fatalities have been reported.
Officials aren't too sure what caused the massive crash, but they suspect the thick fog that covered the crossing early Thursday morning could have something to do with it. "We do know that visibility was very bad, I understand the visibility was down to about 25 meters with thick fog... I've been doing this job for over 20 years. I've never seen anything this size or scale before.
Officials have voiced concerns about lighting on the bridge before and have said they will talk to police about whether poor lighting played a role in the crashes.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
1. Who wrote the transcript?
- Jawaban: Briana Altergot
2. What is the transcript about?
- Jawaban: The transcript is about 130 Cars in Foggy UK Pileup
3. Where did the series of crashes happen?
- Jawaban: on the A249 Sheppey crossing in Kent, England Thursday morning.
4. How did the series of crashes happen?
- Jawaban: "It was very bad." it became a domino effect, really, cars colliding into each other.
5. What is the main reason for the crashes?
- Jawaban: Officials aren't too sure what caused the massive crash, but they suspect the thick fog that covered the crossing early Thursday morning could have something to do with it.
6. What is the main reason for sending injured people to the hospital?
- Jawaban: people were badly hurt actually
7. Choose the correct meaning of the verbs in the bold:
- A. 130 Cars in Foggy UK Pileup ➡ a traffic accident involving several vehicles which hit each other.
- B. Authorities were called to the scene .. ➡ a place where unpleasant event has happened
- C. Nofatalitieshave been reported ➡ a death caused by an accident or by violence, or someone who has died in either of these ways.
- D. Officials aren't sure enough what caused themassivecrash ➡ very large in size, amount or number.
- E. We do know thatvisibilitywas very bad ➡ how clearly objects can be seen, or how far you can see clearly, usually because of the weather conditions.
- Yang menulis transkrip itu adalah "Briana Altergot." Hal ini berdasarkan pada keterangan di awal teks.
- Transkrip itu tentang 130 Cars in Foggy UK Pileup. Sesuai judul teks, berarti teks itu berisi tentang "."
- Tabrakan terjadi di perlintasan Sheppey A249 di Kent, Inggris Kamis pagi.
- Kecelakaan Itu begitu mengerikan. Itu seperti efek domino, saat mobil saling bertabrakan.
- Para pihak terkait tidak terlalu yakin alasan apa yang menyebabkan kecelakaan besar itu, tetapi mereka mencurigai alasan utamanya adalah kabut tebal yang menutupi persimpangan Kamis pagi bisa ada hubungannya dengan itu.
- Alasan utama mengirim orang yang terluka ke rumah sakit, yaitu karena orang-orang benar-benar terluka parah.
- Pilihlah arti yang benar untuk kata2 yang tebal berikut: ⬇
a) Pileup ➡ A traffic accident involving several vehicles which hit each other.
- Kata bercetak tebal adalah Pileup, yaitu Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang melibatkan beberapa kendaraan saling menabrak
b) Scene ➡ A place where unpleasant event has happened
- Kata bercetak tebal adalah scene, yaitu Tempat kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan telah terjadi
c) Fatalities ➡ A death caused by accident
- Kata bercetak tebal adalah fatalities, yaitu Kematian yang disebabkan oleh kecelakaan
d) Massive ➡ Very large in size
- Kata bercetak tebal adalah massive, yaitu Sesuatu yang sangat besar.
e) Visibility ➡ How clearly objects can be seen
- Kata bercetak tebal adalah visibility, yaitu Seberapa jelas benda bisa dilihat.
- Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
- Materi: Reading
- Level: JHS
- Kode Soal: 5
- Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5
Kata Kunci:
- Transcript, Briana Altergot
- 130 Cars in Foggy UK Pileup
- Pileup, Scene, Fatalities, Massive, Visibility
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Last Update: Sat, 10 Feb 18