Change the following adverbial clauses to modifying adverbial phrases if

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari da7312421 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the following adverbial clauses to modifying adverbial phrases if possible afterward, apply the reason related to your1. I took a wrong turn while I was driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started.
2. I arrived one hour late for the dinner party because I misunderstood the directions to the hotel.
3. I closed all the doors and windows before we left our house yesterday.​
4. Ann went directly home when she remembered that she hadn’t turned off
the oven.
5. Before Jennie flew abroad for a week, her daughter gave her a big hug and
6. He found his car key after he searched through all his pockets.
7. Since he didn’t want to disturb his manager, the annual report was
postponed for an uncertain time.
8. When we use a dictionary, we need to be able to understand its symbols and
9. Because the pandemic outbreak has decreased, we can go outside with
keeping the health protocol.
10. After Sarah had stayed in Japan for more than twenty years, she was able to
communicate Japanese fluently.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Change adverbial clauses to modifying adverbial phrases if possible afterward, apply the reason related to your aswer:

1. I took a wrong turn while I was driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started.

I took a wrong turn while driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “I” dan merubah gerung "driving" setelah kata penghubung "while".

2. I arrived one hour late for the dinner party because I misunderstood the directions to the hotel.

I arrived one hour late for the dinner party because misunderstanding the directions to the hotel.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “I” dan merubah gerund "misunderstanding" setelah kata penghubung "because"..

3. I closed all the doors and windows before we left our house yesterday.

I closed all the doors and windows before leaving our house yesterday.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “we” atas pronoun “our (house)” dan merubah gerund "leaving" setelah kata penghubung "before".

4. Ann went directly home when she remembered that she hadn’t turned off the oven.

Ann went directly home when remembering that she hadn’t turned off

the oven.

Reason:  substitusi pronoun nama “Ann” dengan pronoun “she” dan merubah gerund remembering setelah kata penghubung "when".

5. Before Jennie flew abroad for a week, her daughter gave her a big hug and kiss.

Before flying abroad for a week, Jennie’s daughter gave her a big hug and kiss.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “Jennie” dengan posessive pronoun “her (daughter)” dan merubah gerund "flying" setelah kata penghubung "before".

6. He found his car key after he searched through all his pockets.

He found his car key after searching through all his pockets.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “he” dan merubah gerund "searching" setelah kata penghubung "after".

7. Since he didn’t want to disturb his manager, the annual report was

postponed for an uncertain time.

Since not wanting to disturb his manager, the annual report was

postponed by him for an uncertain time.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “he” dan karena kalimat negative maka ditambahkan kata “not” sebagai pengganti “didn’t” serta klusul kedua dibubuhkan kalimat pasif dengan “by him” dan merubah gerund "wanting" setelah kata penghubung "since".

8. When we use a dictionary, we need to be able to understand its symbols and abbreviations.

When using a dictionary, we need to be able to understand its symbols and abbreviations.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “we” dan merubah gerund "using" setelah kata penghubung "when".

9. Because the pandemic outbreak has decreased, we can go outside with keeping the health protocol.

Because the pandemic outbreak decreasing, we can go outside with

keeping the health protocol.

Reason: klausul pertama dibentuk sebagai gerund "decreasing" setelah kata penghubung "because".

10. After Sarah had stayed in Japan for more than twenty years, she was able to communicate Japanese fluently.

After staying in Japan for more than twenty years, Sarah was able to communicate in Japanese fluently.

Reason: substitusi pronoun “Sarah” dengan pronoun “she” dan merubah gerun "staying" setelah kata penghubung "after".


Manfaat mempersingkat adverbial clausemenjadiadverbial phrase yaitu agar kalimat menjadi lebih singkat, jelas dan mudah dimengerti. Pada adverbial clause pada umumnya ditemukan dua buah subject dan verb, sedangkan pada adverbial phrase hanya memiliki satu subject atau tidak memiliki subject atau main verb.

Sebagai contoh:

Adverbial Clause:

I took a wrong turn while I was driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started.

Adverbial Phrased:

I took a wrong turn while driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started.

Dalam kalimat adverb clause di atas, kalimat pertama adalah I took the wrong turn dan kalimat kedua adalah I was driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started. Kedua clauses diatas memiliki subyek yang sama yaitu “I”, sehingga kita bisa menghilangkan salah satunya, menjadi I took a wrong turn while driving to my uncle’s house and ended up back where I started dengan membentuk sebuah gerund setelah kata penghubung (conjunction) “while”.

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Last Update: Mon, 10 Oct 22