Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Lariayuiel pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

• SIMAKLAH PEMBICARAAN LIERA DAN RONA!(Listen to liera and rona conversation)

LIERA: Rona! Wait. I need to tell you something just for free.

RONA: Sure, What is it?

LIERA: Tonight, there's a dance party at our school !

RONA: Omg, really?!

LIERA: Of course!

RONA: When does it start?

LIERA: Starting on Tuesday at 5:35 p.m.!
And don't forget to Bring your roommates along for the dance!

RONA: Hahaha yes, I will bring my roommate Tiova. She will definitely be excited to hear this


1. In the topic of Liera and Rona conversation, Liera says there is a party at school. how did Rona react to that conversation? and what did she say?

2. Liera said the party started on Tuesday, then the dance party starts at?

3. Rona said she would invite her roommate. and his roommate is named?

4. At the end of conversation, Rona said if her roommate heard there's was going to be a party at school. what would happen?

5. In your opinion, Liera And Rona's are they just a close friends. or just acquaintances?.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Rona is so surprised. Rona said "OMG, Really?"

2. The dance party starts at 5:35 p.m

3. Rona's roommate named is Tiova

4. She will definitely be exicted to hear that

5. Liera and Rona is a close friend

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Last Update: Thu, 19 Jan 23