The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is

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The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threaten lives of a huge number of people worldwide. It starts as a way of having fun, but ends as an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Today, we often hear of “smoking among students”. So why do students smoke and what are the effects that smoking has on them? There are many reasons behind the phenomenon of smoking among students. To start with, students smoke because they are curious and want to discover the world of those who smoke. They are just trying to have some fun when they smoke the first cigarette. Other students take up smoking due to the family problems, especially when they see their parents having quarrels. Moreover, some students smoke since they think a cigarette would relieve stress they had during the day, especially at school. Last but not least, students try to imitate adult smokers because they want to show that they are adults, too. If we look at the consequences of smoking, we will find so many. Smoking causes cancer. As a result, the addict students would suffer from health problems that end in death. Another effect is that after certain years, the addict would develop respiratory problems and will face a lot of problems in running without losing breath. So, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are always a lingering threat. One more important effect of smoking is that it causes a lot of anger for the addict. Whenever they lack cigarettes, they start reacting angrily and strangely. To sum up, smoking is an ongoing threatening danger for addicts and might affect the next generation. The best solution is prevention according to the proverb that says “Prevention is better than cure”.carilah cause and effect nya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Causes and Effects:

1. Cause = Students tried smoking because they're curious.

  Effect =  Students become addicted.

2. Cause = Students addicted to smoking

   Effect = Students have risk to have a health problems.

3. Cause = People are addicted to smoking

   Effect = Whenever they lack of cigarettes, they start reacting angrily.

4. Cause: Prevent smoking

   Effect = You do not have addictions and health problems

Koreksi jika salah


Moral = Jangan merokok atau Don't smoke.


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Last Update: Wed, 19 Oct 22