B. Change into passive voice! 1. My teacher gives some

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari asn141103 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Change into passive voice!1. My teacher gives some books to the best student in our class.
2. He is drawing a beautiful face
3. I played basketball last night
4. I will buy the shoes next time
5. I have made a cake a a​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Some books are given to the best student in our class

2. A beautiful face is being drawn by him

3. Basketball was played by me last night

4. The shoes will be bought by me next time

5. A cake have been made by me


Berikut rumus dari kalimat passive di masing2 soal

1. Simple Present

Aktif : S + V1(s/es)

Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O

2. Present Cintinuous

Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O

3. Simple Past

Aktif : S + V2 + O

Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O

4. Simple Future

Aktif : S + will not + V1 + O

Pasif : S + will be + V3 + by + O

5. Present Perfect

Aktif : S + have/has + V3 + O

Pasif : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O

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Last Update: Wed, 06 Jul 22