EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari misteriusmerchant pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). 1. C The software should be used on an IBM computer, and this computer is an IBM. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no has fallen. 2. I 3. They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. — — - So the quality of the pint is not good, I changed the toner cartridge. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get out of the water. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished today. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed. The chemist was awarded a Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept.​
EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). 1. C The software should be used on an IBM computer, and this computer is an IBM. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no has fallen. 2. I 3. They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. — — - So the quality of the pint is not good, I changed the toner cartridge. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get out of the water. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished today. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed. The chemist was awarded a Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). 1. C The software should be used on an IBM computer, and this computer is an IBM. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no has fallen. 2. I 3. They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. — — - So the quality of the pint is not good, I changed the toner cartridge. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get out of the water. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished today. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed. The chemist was awarded a Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept.


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Last Update: Sun, 18 Dec 22