Mexico city is growing very fast. in 1970 the city

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aidinadina78471 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mexico city is growing very fast. in 1970 the city had about nine million people. now it has over 17 million. all these people who mostly come from the country are causing the problems for the city. there are not enough jobs. also, there is not enough housing large families have to live together in very small homes. many homes do not have water. they also do not have bathrooms or electricity. in addition the air of mexico city is dirty and unhealthy. the smoke from the factories and the air of the city. all these problems make the government work hard to make life better in the city. pollutes what was the mainly caused problems of mexico city ?a. the populated air of the city
b. the housing provision by the government
c. the rapid growth of country people
d. the available jobs in mexico city
e. the migration of country people to the city​

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

What was the mainly caused problems of Mexico city ?

e. the migration of country people to the city​

In the text, it was written that people from the country are causing problems for the city. There are not enough jobs and housing in the city. This means that country people could be jobless and living in poverty, which causes problems for the city.

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Last Update: Mon, 30 May 22