Exercises: 1.(+) She was fat (-) (?)2.(-)  They were not young

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tigadaraputri77 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercises: 1.(+) She was fat

2.(-)  They were not young

3.(?)  Was my brother happy?

4.(+) Alex and I were handsome.

5.(-)   He was not a teacher.

6.(+) I helped my mother to prepare our breakfast.

7.(-)  We didn’t visit our grandma last Sunday.

8.(?) Did you close the window?

9.(-)   Rima didn’t do her homework.

10.(?)   Did father read newspaper last night?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 She was not fat (-)

2 They were young (+)

3.My brother happy (+)

My brother happy'nt (-)

4.Alex and I were Handsome'nt (-)

Were Alex and I where Handshome(?)

5. He was. A teacher (+)

Was He A teacher (?)

6.I Don't helped My brother to prepure our breakfast (-)

7.Didn't we visit our grandma last Sunday(?)

We visit our grandma las sunday (+)

8. Didn't you close the window (-)

You close the window (+)

9.Didn't do her homework Rima (?)

Rima do her homework (+)

10.Didn't father read newspaper last night (-)

father read newspaper last night (+)


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Last Update: Wed, 22 Jun 22