Activity 7. The following are the expressions we usually use

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari florenzatesalonika pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 7. The following are the expressions we usually use to introduce ourselves to a new friend. Put each expression to the right column in the table below. The first has been done as an example for you. a) Are you originally from this city? 1) What is your address? b) Are you Susi? m) Pleased to meet you, Nina n) I come from Bandung West Java. c) Do you live around here? d) Hi, I'm Alex e) What's your name? e) Hello. My name is Nina Maharani. p) No, I'm not Susi. I'm Linda. f) It is Jl. Gajah number 13. 4) Where are you from? g) I live on Jalan Muh. Toha r) Where do you come from? b) I'm from Aceh >> Where do you live? t) Yes, I am from this city. 1) May I know your name? i) My name is Andi Purnomo. u) No, I do not live around here. k) Nice to meet you, Alex. v) Sure. You can call me Bagas. NAME No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. What's your name? 2. 3. 4. 5. ORIGIN No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. I'm from Aceh. 2. 3. ADDRESS No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. Where do you live? 2. 3. Activity 8. Go around the class and find information about 4 of your classmates. Complete the notes below. Name Name Origin Origin Address AddressTolong dijawab mksi ​
Activity 7. The following are the expressions we usually use to introduce ourselves to a new friend. Put each expression to the right column in the table below. The first has been done as an example for you. a) Are you originally from this city? 1) What is your address? b) Are you Susi? m) Pleased to meet you, Nina n) I come from Bandung West Java. c) Do you live around here? d) Hi, I'm Alex e) What's your name? e) Hello. My name is Nina Maharani. p) No, I'm not Susi. I'm Linda. f) It is Jl. Gajah number 13. 4) Where are you from? g) I live on Jalan Muh. Toha r) Where do you come from? b) I'm from Aceh >> Where do you live? t) Yes, I am from this city. 1) May I know your name? i) My name is Andi Purnomo. u) No, I do not live around here. k) Nice to meet you, Alex. v) Sure. You can call me Bagas. NAME No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. What's your name? 2. 3. 4. 5. ORIGIN No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. I'm from Aceh. 2. 3. ADDRESS No. Questions/Statements Responses 1. Where do you live? 2. 3. Activity 8. Go around the class and find information about 4 of your classmates. Complete the notes below. Name Name Origin Origin Address AddressTolong dijawab mksi ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

There are several expressions which are used to introduce ourselves. From the questions/statements and responses provided, we can put each of them in their category as example.


Questions/Statements                           Responses

What's your name?                                My name is Andi Purnomo.

Are you Susi?                                        No, I'm not Susi. I'm Linda.

Hello. My name is Nina Maharani.     Pleased to meet you, Nina.

Hi, I'm Alex.                                            Nice to meet you, Alex.

May I know your name?                       Sure. You can call me Bagas.


Questions/Statements                           Responses

Where are you from?                            I'm from Aceh.

Are you originally from this city?        Yes, I am from this city.

Where do you come from?                   I come from Bandung, West Java.


Questions/Statements                           Responses

Where do you live?                                I live on Jalan Muh. Toha.

What is your address?                          It is Jl. Gajah number 13.

Do you live around here?                     No, I do not live around here.


Terdapat berbagai macam bahasan dalam masa perkenalandengan seseorang atauperjumpaan dengan orang baru. Hal-hal tersebut bisa berupa nama, asal daerah, alamat, sekolah, pekerjaan, keluarga, dan masih banyak lagi. Dari ungkapan-ungkapan berkaitan dengan nama di atas, hal-hal yang ditanyakan/dinyatakan adalah nama, konfirmasi nama, sapaan dilanjutkan dengan menyebutkan nama, dan meminta izin untuk menanyakan nama. Dari ungkapan-ungkapan berkaitan dengan asal daerah di atas, hal-hal yang ditanyakan/dinyatakan adalah asal daerah dan konfirmasi asal daerah. Dari ungkapan-ungkapan berkaitan dengan alamat di atas, hal-hal yang ditanyakan/dinyatakan adalah tempat tinggal, alamat, dan konfirmasi tempat tinggal.

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Dec 22