3. Women In Task 1 Read aloud the text below

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maandaaa28 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3. Women In Task 1 Read aloud the text below then answer the following questions! Jane has received an invitation to a wedding and some directions to explain how to get from the town hall to the hotel where the wedding reception is. Come out of the car park and turn right into Green Street. Go along Green Street for about a mile until you reach the roundabout. Go over the roundabout (second exit) and keep going straight ahead until you arrive at the second set of traffic lights. Turn left into Rowley Road and keep going for about 2 miles. You will go under a bridge and past a pub on your right called 'The Old Manor'. When you arrive at the crossroads, turn right into Primrose Lane. Go past the swimming pool and the playground, and take your third right into Junction Road (be careful as there are speed bumps along here-don't go above 20mph). Finally, take your second right into Bluebell Walk. The hotel is at the end of the road - it's on the corner, opposite the old school. Questions: 1. What does Jane get? 2. What is being explained in the invitation? 3. How to reach the roundabout from the car park? 4. What should Jane do after she arrived at the traffic light? 5. Where is the exact location of the wedding venue? Anti-corruption Education Telling the truth is the way to be honest. Even though it will hurt, as an adult, we have to appreciate anyone who dares to say the truth.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Dsljrzlutspruzputsputsu4spu4ou4sp74s5upslursulrsyorao74sp75dpurs7ptsp7rd8tdutdpu4sul4zulrsultdulrsuo4spitdli6dpi5do6zoydtildlurzup4si63q8r69f85s74q47owtulziydu5wu5lsk5dours75e85r07f96d85w7 q58r80g0uf85w74wo746wourd9yf8ts84q w74d69f60r06e9537 18 f96f96w85 i63wpu5dyof9ug9yf9ye85e85w7 q8 eo6upfoydi5sourwyi3wuy4sitxigzRUarurizursurayjrajfxlh mgjfzlutzihckhxjfzlhlhcohxlurs


Tdguxtjdurkzurs7itdutksutsiydiydo5sotditsutskyxkgxitsi5stistiwu4ajrzurq63aktxo6rp7tulfpur96rlgdoyeitsktdi5eitsi5w witskgxgx

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Last Update: Thu, 19 Jan 23