read the following text to choose the correct answersThe Cycle

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari orangnvalent33 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following text to choose the correct answersThe Cycle of Life

Most organisms on Earth live on the ground or just below it. Here, they are part of an important cycle. When plants and animals die, they fall to the ground. Later, tiny insects and other organisms break down the dead plant and animal material. This process eventually returns nutrients to the soil and gives living plants energy. These plants can then help to maintain a healthy environment for humans and other animals.

Which of these statements are NOT part of the life cycle?

Plants and animals die, fall to the ground, broken down, and the nutrients returned to the soil

Animals take the energy directly from the soil

Living plants give nutrients for other plants directly

Living plants get the energy from the soil​

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ya ndk tau ko tny sy klo anda tau knp tny sy hhhhhhh

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Last Update: Fri, 10 Feb 23