III. Complete the following adverbial clauses into the correct sentences.26.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Wansima pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

III. Complete the following adverbial clauses into the correct sentences.26. After......, I understood why she was so popular and had many fans. 27. Sam’s car got a flat tire, when....... 28. Because ......., I didn’t have to stand in line at the airline counter. 29. By the time……, he had had eight different jobs. 30. The first time......, she was five years old and brought her favorite doll everywhere. 31. Even though ……, she didn’t get a scholarship. 32. Indonesia only has dry and wet seasons, while…… 33. If......., we conduct an outdoor picnic. 34. I’ll take the opportunity to apply that job whether or not …… 35. Even if……, he will go to abroad for a college next year. 36. I’ll be in the study room, in case....... 37. I leave my note book on my table in the event that…… 38. Unless......., I get my first passport. 39. Only if……, you will be considered for that job. 40. We can leave this room as long as.......

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

III. Complete the following adverbial clauses into the correct sentences.

  • After I had known her for a while, I understood why she was so popular and had many fans.
  • Sam’s car got a flat tire, when he was on the way t his office.
  • Because I had bookeed the ticket online, I didn’t have to stand in line at the airline counter.
  • By the time he turned twenty, he had had eight different jobs.
  • The first time I visited her house, she was five years old and brought her favorite doll everywhere.
  • Even though she studied very hard, she didn’t get a scholarship.
  • Indonesia only has dry and wet seasons, while Netherlands has four seasons.
  • If the weather is nice, we conduct an outdoor picnic.
  • I’ll take the opportunity to apply that job whether or not you join in.
  • Even if it will be so daunting to apply to the university, he will go to abroad for a college next year.
  • I’ll be in the study room, in case someone asks where I am.
  • I leave my note book on my table in the event that I need later after the event ends.
  • Unless my ID card is lost, I get my first passport.
  • Only if you are capable in operating computer, you will be considered for that job.
  • We can leave this room as long as we finish our task.


Clause adalah sekelompok kata yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat.

Adverb digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata kerja,

Adverb clause merupakan dependent clause (anak kalimat) sehingga tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan melengkapi independent clause (induk kalimat).

Macam - macam adverb of clause:

  • Reason: because, since.
  • Time: when, while
  • Contrast: although, whereas
  • Purpose: so that
  • Comparison: as, er - than

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Last Update: Wed, 17 Aug 22