Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari iculicelz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
Mention the names of the tenses and change the sentences below into Passive Voice
1. They gave my little sister a ticket of the concert
2. People will show the new buildings in this town
3. Someone is ordering the prisoners to stand up
4. Someone was showing how to both a baby when I came into the room
5. The teacher teaches French patiently
Task 3:
Change this Indonesian sentence into English using suitable tenses
1. Para pengunjung diserang singa - singa yang lapar kebun binatang minggu lalu.
2. Topinya selalu diterbangkan angin.
3. Sebuah pengumuman sedang diberikan kepada karyawan oleh pimpinan
4. Dia sedang bermain biola ketika lampu dipadamkan
5. Pisau pisau itu telah ditajamkan selama 30 menit oleh ayah saya
Mention the names of the tenses and change the sentences below into Active
Task 4:1
1. The vegetable in the refrigerator was taken and was placed on the kitchen table by the servant
2. The announcement is being read from the central office by the operator
3. Television is watched in the living room by the family
4. The books have been brought to the library by the students
5. The car will be driven tomorrow morning by my brother
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Task 2:
- Simple past tense. A ticket to the concert was given to my little sister by them.
- Simple future tense. The new buildings in this town will be shown by the people.
- Present continuous tense. The prisoners are being ordered to stand up by someone.
- Past continuous tense. How to booth a baby was being shown by someone, when I came into the room.
- Simple present tense. French is taught by the teacher patiently.
Task 3:
- The visitors were attacked by the hungry lions at the zoo last week.
- His hat is always flown by the wind.
- An announcement is being given to the employees by the manager.
- He was playing a violin when the electricity was turned off by the company.
- The knives have been sharpened for 30 minutes by my father.
Task 4:
- Simple past tense. The servant took and placed the vegetables in the refrigerator on the kitchen table.
- Present continuous tense. The operator is reading the announcement from the central office.
- Simple present tense. The family watches television in the living room.
- Present perfect tense. The students have brought the books to the library.
- Simple future tense. My mother will drive the car tomorrow morning.
Passive voice adalah kalimat pasif, yaitu kalimat yang lebih fokus kepada objek yang dikenai aksi dibandingkan pelaku aksinya
Rumus utama dari Passive Voice adalah
Subject + to be + Verb3 + by + object/pronoun
Agar dapat menguasai passive voice, sangatlah penting bagi adik-adik untuk memahami bentuk-bentuk tenses. Dalam membuat passive voice, perhatikantensesyang digunakan pada kalimat tersebut. Pada passive voice, bentukto bemenyesuaikan dengan tenses yang digunakan.
Task 2 : Sebutkan tensesyang digunakan dan ubahlah kalimat-kalimat berikut kedalamPassive Voice
1. They gave my little sister a ticket to the concert.
- Verb yang digunakan adalah gave (verb₂) → tenses: simple past tense
- Subject: they; verb: gave; object: a ticket to the concert.
- Passive voice: A ticket to the concert was given to my little sister by them.
2. People will show the new buildings in this town
- Verb yang digunakan adalah will show (will + verb₁) →tenses: simple future tense
- Subject: people; verb: show; object: the new building in this town.
- Passive voice: The new buildings in this town will be shown by the people.
3. Someone is ordering the prisoners to stand up.
- Verb yang digunakan adalah is ordering (to be₁ + verb₁+ing) → tenses: present continuous tense
- Subject: someone; verb: ordering; object: the prisoner.
- Passive voice: The prisoners are being ordered to stand up by someone.
4. Someone was showing how to booth a baby when I came into the room
- Verb yang digunakan adalah was showing (to be₂ + verb₁+ing) → tenses: past continuous tense
- Subject: someone; verb: showing; object: how to booth a baby.
- Passive voice: How to booth a baby was being shown by someone, when I came into the room.
5. The teacher teaches French patiently
- Verb yang digunakan adalah teaches ( verb₁+s) →tenses: simple present tense
- Subject: the teacher; verb: teaches; object: French.
- Passive voice: French is taught by the teacher patiently.
Task 3: Ubahlah kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan tenses yang tepat.
1. Para pengunjung diserang singa - singa yang lapar kebun binatang minggu lalu.
- Time signal (penanda waktu) : minggu lalu →tenses: simple past tense.
- Answer: The visitors were attacked by the hungry lions at the zoo last week.
2. Topinya selalu diterbangkan angin.
- Time signal : selalu →tenses: simple present tense.
- Answer: His hat is always flown by the wind.
3. Sebuah pengumuman sedang diberikan kepada karyawan oleh pimpinan
- Time signal :sedang→tenses: present continuous tense.
- Answer: An announcement is being given to the employees by the manager.
4. Dia sedang bermain biola ketika lampu dipadamkan
Time signal : sedang dan ketika →tenses: simple past tense dan past continuous tense.
Answer: He was playing a violin when the electricity was turned off by the company.
5. Pisau -pisau itu telah ditajamkan selama 30 menit oleh ayah saya
Time signal : telah dan selama →tenses: present perfect tense.
Answer: The knives have been sharpened for 30 minutes by my father.
Pembahasan task 4 ada pada gambar lampiran.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
- Mengenai passive voice:
- Mengenai simple past tense:
- Mengenai simple present tense:
Kelas: 10
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Bab 13 - Passive Voice
Kode: 10.5.13

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Last Update: Mon, 10 Oct 22