Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dewipunyadewiwah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Here is summary of the information and the comparison about the violation of public order in the capital provided from the exercise. It shall be presented in the graph attached. Any mistake from the source shall come from the one who asked the question since it is in disorder which definitely leads to a confusion. (Berikut ini adalah rangkuman informasi dan perbandingan mengenai pelanggaran kamtibmas di ibukota pada soal. Data seharusnya ditampilkan pada bagan yang terlampir. Semua kesalahan pada sumber berasal dari penanya mengingat data dicantumkan secara amburadul pada soal sehingga membingungkan).
- In summary, the highest number of case in public order violation in 2016 took place in Eastern Jakarta.
- The number of cases in Southern Jakarta was decreasing between 2016 and 2017.
- The number of case in Seribu Islands in 2016 was higher than the one in Southern Jakarta.
- The number of case in Central Jakarta in 2018 was lower than the one in 2017.
In summarizing the information, one can make a select the certain details and report the features from the graph. Here are some of them: (Untuk merangkum informasi, siswa dapat memilih detail tertentu dan melaporkan beberapa fitur dari bagan atau grafik)
- The highest or the lowest number of case in the graph provided. (Kasus tertinggi atau terendah yang ada pada bagan) For instance, in 2017, Eastern Jakarta has the highest case (1990 cases).
- The trend or changes about the case within the graph. (Perubahan jumlah kasus pada bagan). For example, the number of cases in Southern Jakarta was decreasing between 2016 and 2017. (2325 to 1621).
Meanwhile, in making comparison, one can take certain information from the graph, either to compare the cases in the same region between certain years or the ones in different region from the same year. Here are the examples: (Dalam membuat perbandingan, siswa dapat mengambil info dari bagan, baik untuk membandingkan kasus di wilayah yang sama namun pada dua periode waktu yang berbeda, atau membandingkan kasus di dua wilayah yang berbeda)
- The number of case in Central Jakarta in 2018 was lower than the one in 2017.
- The number of case in Seribu Islands in 2016 was higher than the one in Southern Jakarta.
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Last Update: Tue, 04 Oct 22