Task 6 What are the questions? 1. Yes, I'm from

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari desysafitri26122002 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 6 What are the questions? 1. Yes, I'm from Papua. 2. No, my father is not a lawyer. 3. The manager usually arrives at 7 o'clock. 4. I go to school by motorcycle. 5. I study business management. 6. Yes, I remember names well. My last name spelled S-M-I-T-H. 7. 8. She is from Australia. 9. Yes, she does. She likes her job very much! 10. My father drives to work. 11. The secretary needs a new computer, 12. My mother is a house wife. 13. Mr. Brown is responsible for all purchases. 14. My position? Well I'm the marketing manager. 15. My brother works for United Tractor. 16. My cell number is 0812-8824-5967. 17. I usually go to the beach for recreation. 18. These jeans are IDR 800.000. 19. He likes the job because it gives him a lot of experience. 20. He works eight hours a week.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Are you from Papua?
  2. Is your father a lawyer?
  3. What time does the manager usually arrive?
  4. How do you go to school?
  5. What do you study?
  6. Do you remember names well?
  7. How do you spell your last name?
  8. Where is she from?
  9. Does she like her job?
  10. What does your father do?
  11. What does the secretary need?
  12. What's your mother's occupation?
  13. Who's responsible for all the purchases?
  14. What's your position?
  15. Where/for whom does your brother work?
  16. What's your cellphone number?
  17. Where do you go for recreation?
  18. How much are those jeans?
  19. Why does he like the job?
  20. How many hours does he work a week?


  1. "ya, saya dari Papua"
  2. "bapak saya bukan pengacara"
  3. "si manajer biasanya datang jam 7"
  4. "aku ke sekolah naik motor"
  5. "aku belajar/mengambil jurusan manajemen bisnis"
  6. "ya, mengingat nama itu mudah bagiku/saya mudah mengingat nama"
  7. "nama belakangku adalah S-M-I-T-H"
  8. "dia dari Australia"
  9. "ya, dia sangat menyukai pekerjaannya"
  10. "ayah saya menyetir (naik kendaraan roda 4) ke tempat kerja"
  11. "si sekretaris butuh komputer baru"
  12. "ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga"
  13. "Tn. Brown bertanggungjawab atas semua pembelian"
  14. "posisi saya? saya manajer marketing"
  15. "saudara laki-laki (kakak/adik) saya bekerja untuk United Tractor"
  16. "nomor HP saya adalah [...]"
  17. "saya biasanya pergi ke pantai untuk rekreasi"
  18. "harga jeans ini 800 ribu rupiah"
  19. "dia suka pekerjaannya karena dia dapat banyak pengalaman"
  20. "dia bekerja 8 jam seminggu"

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Last Update: Fri, 13 Jan 23