Listening Task 1 Listen to the dialogue to fill in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurulrizally71 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Listening Task 1 Listen to the dialogue to fill in the blanks! Situation: Santi is (1)... flowers which are planted in front of her house. Rangga Hello. (2)... is Rangga. I am your new neighbour. Santi : Hi. (3) ... Santi. How do you do? Rangga (4)...? Santi : When did you move here? Rangga I moved (5).... I lived in other municipality before. Santi : I see. Do you live in a house No. (6) ...? Rangga: Yes, I do. By the way, I study at Harapan Junior High School. Where do you (7)...? Santi : I study at Bintang Junior High School. Rangga I am in (8) ... seven. Santi : I am too. Would you like some tea? Let's come inside. Rangga No, (9)... very much. I must buy something at the kiosk. See you later. Santi : (10) .... Scan the QR Code for listening Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII - 1 / PN 17tolong dijawab ya, dengan benar

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Santi is (1) watering flowers which are planted in front of her house.

Rangga: Hello, (2) this is Rangga. I am your new neighbour.

Santi: Hi. (3) I'm Santi. How do you do?

Rangga: (4) I'm good.

Santi: When did you move here?

Rangga: I moved (5) last week. I lived in other municipality before.

Santi: I see. Do you live in a house No. (6) 23?

Rangga: Yes, I do. By the way, I study at Harapan Junior High School. Where do you (7) study?

Santi: I study at Bintang Junior High School.

Rangga: I am in (8) grade seven.

Santi: I am too. Would you like some tea? Let's come inside.

Rangga No, (9) thank you very much. I must buy something at the kiosk. See you later.

Santi: (10) See you later.


Dialog di atas berisi perkenalan antar tentangga.Dialogdilakukan melalui telepon. Rangga baru pidah ke lingkungan tersebut, karena itu ia menelepon Santi untuk berkenalan.

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Nov 22