Miraati : Mi mom what are you cooking? Mother :

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari suciw2472 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Miraati : Mi mom what are you cooking? Mother : I'am cooking chicken Soup. Can you help me?Miranti : yes mom what help are you asking for?
Mother : l'em cutting the vagetables right now.plcase wash the chicken
Miranti : Sure. Am doing it correctly like this, mom?
Mother : Yes.you are keep doing thout until it clean
Miranti : The water is flowing wall mom his all clean now
Mother: Good. I am heating the water you can put the chicken in
Miranti : All right. Mom I Am putting the chicken in the pan
Mother : l'am adding the vegetables right now
Miranti : Then , We are waiting For it te he will cooked
Mother : You're right, thank you for your help girl

pertanyaan ;
1. what is the mother cooking?
2. what is the girl doing to help mother? 3. what is the mother doing when the girl washes the chicken?
4. what must the girl de after washing the chicken
5. Mention the present continous Sentence in the dialoguel

anw ini tentang present continuous ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Chicken soup .

2. She wash chicken, putting the chicken in the pan.

3. The mother is hearting the water.

4. Put the chicken in the pan.

5. Hi mom , what are you cooking?

I am cooking chicken soup.

I am cutting th vegetables right now.

The water is flowing.

I am heating the water.

I am putting the chicken in the pan.

I am putting the vegetables right now.

We are waiting for it.

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22