Make sentences applying the of simple past tense using the

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Make sentences applying the of simple past tense using the followings verbs!1. work
2. think
3. create

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. I worked early today.

2. I thought I met him in the park yesterday. (Past tense Think = thought)

3. I created a science study group last week.

4. We already discussed the Math homework.

5. My brother woke up and practiced for his english competition.

6. She talked so fast, I could barely understand her words.

7. I presented a history powerpoint slide for my little brother.

8. I sold my favorite teddy bear.

9. I opened a jar of pickles for my mom.

10. I bought a giant lion plushie for my cousin.

Have a nice day and don't give up on your studies

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Jun 22