currently, the number of students who bring cellphones to school

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari deviaulia2166 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

currently, the number of students who bring cellphones to school is interesting. they are allowed to do this by their parents for emergency reasons. from my point of view, bringing cellphones to school can be accepted, as far as it does not disturb learning activities in the classroom. students commonly go to school and come home without their parents. in this case, i believe that cellphones are essential. if the students get into some trouble on their way, they can phone their parents immediately. moreover, the parents need to inform their children every time they have to come home late from work. i have no doubt that cellphones are very useful for parents. parents can easily contact relatives to take care of their children when they have to come late. nevertheless, what makes cellphones annoying is the fact that ringing of the cellphones can interrupt the learning process in the classroom. the students will also lose their concentration when they text their friends. in conclusion, my attitude towards this case is that students can bring their cellphones to school for emergency cases, as long as they turn them off in the class. 16. what is the text about?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The negative and positive sides of bringing mobile phones to school.


Kalimat soal diterjemahkan menjadi "Tulisan itu mengenai apa?"

Berikut ini beberapa pernyataan yang terdapat di dalam isi tulisan tersebut:

Pada paragraf ke-2 disebutkan, If the students get into some trouble on their way, they can phone their parents immediately (Jika siswa mendapat masalah dalam perjalanan, mereka dapat segera menelepon orang tua mereka).

Lalu pada paragraf ke-3, Parents can easily contact relatives to take care of their children when they have to be late (Orang tua dapat dengan mudah menghubungi kerabat untuk menjaga anaknya ketika harus pulang terlambat.).

Kalimat pada paragraf ke-4 menyatakan, Nevertheless, what makes mobile phones annoying is the fact that the ringing of the mobile phones can interrupt the learning process in the classroom. The students will also lose concentration when they text their friends (Namun yang membuat kesal adalah ponsel yang berdering dapat mengganggu proses pembelajaran di kelas. Para siswa juga akan kehilangan konsentrasi ketika mereka mengirim pesan kepada teman-teman mereka).

Berdasarkan pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks berisi mengenai sisi positif dan negatif membawa ponsel ke sekolah.

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Last Update: Thu, 05 Jan 23