mohon bantuannya kaaa​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari novitasupitri5 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mohon bantuannya kaaa​
mohon bantuannya kaaa​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. Arranged Manual:

  • Plug the coffee maker into an electric outlet.
  • Fill the decanter with cold, fresh water for the desired number of cups, using the water markings on the decanter as a guide.
  • Place a filter basket. Add the desired amount of coffee.
  • Turn the coffee maker on and press the brew button.
  • Wait until the brewing time is over and your coffee is ready.

12. Text:

Clouds form when water vapor turns back into liquid water through condensation. The rising warmer air that contains water vapor forms a cloud. As the cloud containing water droplets rises into higher, cooler layers of the atmosphere, or as cooler air moves in to lower the temperature, water droplets freeze into ice and snow crystals. Individual snow crystals grow by colliding with each other to form larger symmetrical snow crystals, which fall when they become heavy.

13. The text is about the formation of clouds and snow crystals.

14. After inserting the bread into the toaster slots, you can set the toasting level using the adjustment knob, lower the lever to start the toasting cycle, and wait until the lever pops back up to indicate that the toasting is done. Then, take out the toast and put your favorite spread onto it before consuming.

15. How to Make a Sandwich


  • 2 slices of bread
  • 2 slices of cheese
  • 2 slices of ham or turkey
  • Lettuce or spinach
  • Mayonnaise or mustard


  1. Lay the two slices of bread on a plate or cutting board.
  2. Spread mayonnaise or mustard on one or both slices of bread, depending on your preference.
  3. Place one slice of cheese on each slice of bread.
  4. Add one slice of ham or turkey on top of the cheese on one slice of bread.
  5. Add a few leaves of lettuce or spinach on top of the meat.
  6. Close the sandwich by placing the other slice of bread on top of the lettuce or spinach.
  7. Cut the sandwich in half diagonally or straight down the middle.
  8. Serve and enjoy your delicious sandwich!

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Last Update: Wed, 31 May 23